Share Front FAQ

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Who is the Share Front: Multi-Tenant product designed for?

Businesses with multi-tenant business models looking to streamline processes by integrating them with a modern point of sale solution.

Examples include: Antique Shops, Tattoo Parlors, Hair Salons

Who is the Share Front: Wholesale product designed for?

Businesses with complex raw goods/materials management looking to integrate directly with their modern point of sale solution.

Examples include: Food + Beverage, Artisan Products

Which point of sale systems does Share Front support?

Currently, Share Front only supports Square, however, there are plans to support many tablet point of sale systems in the near future.

How do I access my dashboard?

After purchasing a subscription to Share Front, the dashboard will need to be setup. Once the dashboard is setup you will receive an email with account setup instructions and a link to your dashboard.

This will be something like: https://{your-company}